This was my favorite conference ever and I really enjoyed it. I couldn't be happier right now! I sure do miss you guys but this is the Lords work and like President Monson said at the very beginning, "missionary work is the life blood of the kingdom!" I love you family, thanks for everything you all have done for me, I couldn't ask for a better family!
The temple was awesome! It was nice just to get back into the temple finally! (They all went to the temple last week before conference. Jordan was very excited to go again!)I am being transfered on island to Makakilo to be a zone leader. Sorry today is crazy I am in a shambles trying to get everything together?!
Love to all of you
Elder Garritson
With all the good things Trav has told me about Elder G and his dedication to serving the Lord I've kind of been expecting him to hold leadership positions like being a ZL. This is wonderful news and I know he'll be diligent in his calling. He looks good in the picture too!