Monday, March 28, 2011

ALOOOOOHA! March 28, 2011

Well another week down and things are going as great as ever!! The weather has been solid out here so I can't complain at all. Things popped up outta the blue, so work is going good for us. I think my time up here in Laie is coming to a close. I hope not but we will see. Next Sunday we find out transfers, so next week I'll know if I stay or go.

This week was just the same old same old. We had one new investigator come out of the woodworks this week! He came to Church a couple sundays ago and started to bear his testimony. His girlfriend goes to our church. So we have taught him a couple times and the last lesson was awesome. We taught him about prayer and we really helped him to understand why its important and not to pray just because others want you to. We really take praying for granted as members of the church. If you stop and think about it, what is the real purpose you are praying? Is it just because we are supposed to do it or are you really talking with God? It changes your prayers a lot when you think about what is going down, I know it really has changed mine. Unfortunately this kid may be moving to Oregon but if he does he will definitely get in touch with the church there. It was a really cool experience.

Other than that we are hitting the pavement hard, trying to get all the members fired up about missionary work. That is the hardest thing to do. Its okay though, we will get 'em. haha!

I hope all is well with ya'll, sounds like things back home are well. Keep in touch guys,
Love you all!
Elder Garritson

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