Whats up with it ya'll? All is well here. Elder G is staying in Laie for at least 6 more weeks! Boy I am so stoked I love this place and Elder Tuih is staying as well so we are going to do work up here this next transfer! We got some good things ahead of us and I know the Lord needs us here for a reason so we will see what unfolds this next 6 weeks! The weather up here is not good right now, I have been freezing at night (hahaha it gets down to 60 here man its cold). I have never seen this much rain in my whole life, but on the bright side, once the rain passes we get some good sunshine! Sounds like the weather in Utah is alright, I do miss the snow a bit!
This week has just been a week of working. We are teaching a few families right now, just reactivating them and helping them get to the temple. Its pretty amazing seeing these people change their lives from week to week! 3 different families are all super stoked to start coming back and enter into the temple. Its going to be such a blessing to see these people progress! We are also teaching a girl out here who went to school with me! Haha I didn't know her at school but I recognize her face. She is awesome and has such a strong testimony. I love this Gospel man! All is well, work keeps progressing everyday and Satan's power keeps getting weaker and weaker!
We all need to become better member missionaries! The building up of the Kingdom is great right now, but its not enough. We need more help, there are so many of our brothers and sisters out there waiting to hear the Gospel who just haven't had the chance to hear it. Don't think because you are in Utah that everyone has heard the message, because they haven't. Quit being slackers, get outta your comfort zone and share your testimony. Nothing is more frustrating than a member who won't share the Gospel, so don't be one of those, or else I will hunt you down! haha!(I'm
Elder Garritson
Elder Major, Elder Lunt, ? , Elder Tuih, Elder Garritson
Elder G's looking really good! I love the new header too! He seems to be loving Laie and is so strong in his testimony. I'm one of those guilty members who doesn't share her testimony enough. Guess I better take his challenge and set that as a goal this year. I also liked seeing Elder Major again. He's changed a bit since Travis was his companion.