Well this week was another solid one down! Super slow this week was but we found a couple solid potential investigators that we started teaching so its all good! We are going to do work this week! This transfer is going well. On Tuesday and Wednesday we had the 8 fundamental principles from Preach My Gospel training again so that was good! I stuck a three pointer for my boy Elder Moncur so it was sick!
So I don't know if ya'll remember but the guy I was teaching back in Hawaii Kai, Henry, he got baptized on Saturday!!! Man that was tight I knew that guy was going to come around, just planting seeds and letting the rest go to work man, its was nice!
Up here nothing to special happened, we just went to work and did the normal. Huge swells came in this weekend so everyone was at the beach, dang ocean ruins everything! Elder Tuih and I are still doing work out here, we are still working with 3 families and 1 girl and they are all coming along like you would never believe. The Gospel really changes lives and it is the best thing ever. Sounds like all is well back home, the weather here is phenomenal!
Nothing else, I love you all! Keep up the solid work and remember, whatever happens God is our Loving Heavenly Father and Jesus is The Christ, thats all that matters!
Elder Garritson
I love these particular sunset pictures that they took. You've probably noticed that I've used Travis' quite a bit, lol! The one of him overlooking Hawaii Kai is wonderful too. It makes me smile to read how much Elder G is growing, changing, and loving the gospel. He's certainly on fire right now!